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Guatemala Barillas Reserve Washed



Country Guatemala
Region Huehuetenango
Producer ASOBAGRI members
in Santa Cruz Barilla
Variety Bourbon, Caturra
Proc. Method Washed
Altitude 1,650masl
Tasting Notes Green Apple, Pear, Cane Sugar


"ASOBAGRI" or The Asociacion Barillense de Agricultores was founded in 1989 by 20 Mayan coffee and cardamom farmers. It currently has more than 1,200 cooperative members. This particular selection comes from the small farms surrounding Santa Cruz Barilla. This coffee is shade grown under guava, plantain and banana trees. ASOBAGRI promotes sustainable agriculture by training its farmers in organic production methods. They continue to reinvest in their infrastructure while exploring new quality control measures and operating their own warehouses and drying patios.



Guatemala Barillas Reserve Washed

Guatemala Barillas Reserve Washed


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