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Ethiopia Natural Guji Shakiso

Country Ethiopia

Bobaya Ouke, Guji, Oromia

Variety 74-110, 74-112
Proc. Method Natural
Altitude 1,800 MASL
Tasting Notes Strawberry, Blueberry, Plum


The majority of the Guji zone can be a full day’s drive (or many days’ walk) from the nearest trading centers of Gedeb or Dilla to the west, which often leaves many coffee farmers with few options. Were it not for groups like the Shakiso washing station, owned and operated by Abeyot Boru, options would be tougher for hundreds of small farmers in the Odo Shakiso district, Guji’s central district and its largest. After being delivered and hand-sorted, cherries are turned consistently in a single layer on raised beds for as long as three weeks, depending on the temperatures. As is common in Ethiopia’s south, drying beds are typically covered during the hottest afternoon hours, and at night to protect the fragile fruit from settling humidity. The resulting naturals are dense and berry-like, with juicy acids.

Ethiopia Natural Guji Shakiso

Ethiopia Natural Guji Shakiso


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