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Colombia Palma Rosa Pink Bourbon



Country Colombia
Region Huila, Colombia
Producer Victor Chala
Variety Pink Bourbon
Proc. Method Washed
Altitude 2,000 MASL
Tasting Notes Green Apple, Lime, Honey


Victor Chala takes great pride in coffee growing.  He is expanding his farm and experimenting with new plant varieties to increase the quality that he produces.  We are lucky this year to purchase his entire crop of Pink Bourbon!

Pink Bourbon is derived from one of the oldest varieties: Bourbon.  Bourbon and Typica are the parents of many of the plant cultivars currently found in the New World and Indonesia, as they were created from plants that were transported by missionaries hundreds of years ago. Pink Bourbon was separated out because growers noticed it had a particularly complex, fruity and floral flavor profile

Colombia Palma Rosa Pink Bourbon

Colombia Palma Rosa Pink Bourbon


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