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Costa Rica Black Honey Las Lajas Mill



Country Costa Rica
Region Central Valley
Producer Francisca and Oscar Chacon
Variety Catuai, Caturra, Villa Sarchi
Proc. Method Black Honey
Altitude 1,5000 MASL
Tasting Notes Pomegranate, Blackberry, Honey


Oscar and Francisca Chacon are third generation coffee producers who are committed to quality and innovation. During the harvest, Dona Francisca will measure the Brix content of the cherry to determine the optimal ripeness. Harvesting by Brix and using the refractometer helps to keep the harvest at a uniform ripeness, which is key when producing high quality naturals and honeys.

For Black Honey, the cherries are diligently sorted by hand before being sent through the depulper to remove the outer skin and flesh of the cherry. It is then laid out to dry in the sun with the mucilage still on the outside of the seed. As the seed dries, the mucilage will turn black as it oxidizes and imparts a fruity flavor onto the coffee.

Costa Rica Black Honey Las Lajas Mill

Costa Rica Black Honey Las Lajas Mill


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