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Ethiopia Washed Yirgacheffe Chelchele



Country Ethiopia
Region Yirgacheffe, Gedeb, Ethiopia
Producer 396 Farmers surrounding
Banko - Chelchele Mill
Variety Heirloom
Proc. Method Washed
Altitude 1,900-2,200 MASL
Tasting Notes Apricot, Lemongrass, Black Tea


This coffee is sourced from various small farmers living in and around the Chelchele Kebele or village.  Coffee is picked from small gardens or semi-wild trees and delivered to the mill as whole cherry. The heirloom or landrace varieties contribute ot the complexity of the cup profile.

The cherry is pulped to remove the fruit of the cherry and fermented where natural yeast and bacteria break down the remaining mucilage. Drying in the sun for  up to two weeks creates a crisp and delicate cup.

Ethiopia Washed Yirgacheffe Chelchele

Ethiopia Washed Yirgacheffe Chelchele


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